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Well Begun, Is Half Done; 7 Powerful Ways To Get Things Started

When I sat down to write this email I had no idea what was going to come out and had trouble getting started. Sitting with a blank mind and no ideas flowing, I decided to challenge myself with a two-hour limit and committed to post it, no matter what. With some wishful thinking and a few cents worth of hope, I started typing. Within seconds the content came to me. I was chatting with a friend a few days ago, she expressed that she was feeling stuck, scattered and unable to focus. I asked her what her house looked like, she chuckled and admitted, "it's fairly messy and a little cluttered." We then started to discuss what I call “Purging Your Nouns”; which is to let go of “Clutter,” in the form of toxic relationships, emotions, and things. She shared that the very thought of it overwhelmed her and she didn’t know how she would get it all done. At which point I said… “Sometimes you don’t have to finish to get results, you just have to start.” I am not suggesting that we shouldn’t finish what we start, but so often we don’t even begin. We come up with great excuses, even go out of our way to create giant blocks, when all we need to do, is take that first step to get things moving. Usually, excitement and enthusiasm will show up to make it more fun. Do you find yourself stopping before you even start? What are you missing out on because you won’t take the first step? These questions have big answers. I encourage you to sit with them for a while and listen to what your heart has to say about it. Chances are, it will give you some action to take. When you move in faith, you start to build energy; you will see result arriving way before you even finish! The motivation will come, and you will have a better chance of a strong finish too. Don't take it from me, here's what some of the greats have to say on the subject. There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth… not going all the way, and not starting.” ~Buddha Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect." ~Alan Cohen But starting can be difficult with all the unconscious blocks going on. I Know this first hand, as expressed in the very first paragraph. There are things you can do to prompt a Strong Start.

Here are my 7 Powerful Ways To Get Things Started.

  1. Ask yourself these questions:

  2. Do I stop before I even start?

  3. Why do I do that?

  4. What am I missing out on when I won’t take the first step?

  5. What is the very next thing I need to do? (Do whatever that is.)

  6. Put on some action taking meditation music. You can find this on Youtube. Google “Music for getting things done”.

  7. Ask a friend to help you. If it’s a large project, it can be useful to have someone there with you. It can really give you the motivation when someone is supporting you in this way.

  8. Pay someone to do it or help you do it. Let go of some of the control and pressure. Also, you will be less likely to drag your feet when it’s making a dent in your savings account.

  9. Write a Living Vision. Describe yourself going through the actions of bringing your desired result into reality. Include the emotional states you are experiencing and the physical actions. This is a powerful way to tell the mind what to create.

  10. Read it out loud, every day.

  11. Set up a buddy call with a friend for two minutes a day. Improvise your Living Vision for one minute, and let your buddy do the same.

  12. Do some Reverse Engineering. Imagine yourself in the desired result; a sacred and sexy bedroom, a luxurious bathroom, or a private man-cave complete with your own keg. Let your imagination run free. Now, imagine the last thing you did to finish it; hung the curtains, put the rugs in place, tapped the keg. Next, imagine going backwards in time, step by step to the starting point, just like rewinding a video. This is another powerful way to tell the mind what to create!

But wait, there’s more!

7. Call me for a Complimentary Clarity session, to discover how Mindset Coaching can help you make a powerful start and a

fantastic finish.

Once you get moving, results will quickly begin to show up. Just do it.!

As for this little experiment of “Just Starting” this email, I think it went fairly well… and I finished it too!

If you are feeling stuck and unable to start, my Mindset Coaching can help you get moving and arrive at your success. You are just one step away, start by Calling today!

Here’s what one of my clients has to say about my Mindset Coaching programs.

When I started working with Dawnmarie, I was somewhat skeptical. Other self-help programs hadn’t produced any breakthroughs. I was also not sure she would be a good fit for me. Was I ever wrong! In just one session Dawnmarie was able to help me identify a lot of my behavior and core issues, I was convinced I needed to work with her.

Since that decision, she has helped me to start working full time… for myself! My confidence has never been higher and I have a much better relationship with my family. I have regained the curiosity, creativity and happiness that I did as a child. As a result, I’ve created more opportunities and products with my business, and feel like I’m just getting started!

Thank you Dawnmarie!

Jerome Ware

Remember... What You Want, Want's you. Let's Help It FInd You!

Much Love and Light, Dawnmarie Presley, C. Ht. MIndset Coach 818 217 6176

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